Continuous integration: Testing and deploying code -------------------------------------------------- Continuous Integration is the idea to perform integration tests on a regularly base in order to avoid conflicts in the development process of software. It involves automatic testing, building and deploying. GIAnT has a good test coverage with close to 90%. The tests are written with the use of mocha.js and chai.js. The test coverage is calculated by instanbul.js. To recalculate the coverage locally run the command: :code:`npm run cover` Every JS-file in the test folder is recognized as a test and run automatically. You can run the test suite locally with the command: :code:`npm run test` Every commit to the projects triggers the automatic tests of GIAnT on CI platforms: * Appveyor for windows * Travis-CI for GNU/Linux and MacOS If the tests were run successfully and the commit was tagged with a label, then GIAnT gets automatically built and uploaded to To build the application locally you can run the command: :code:`npm run release` How to write a test ................... You have to import the test suites, connect to the database and activate a chai syntax. .. code-block:: javascript var mocha = require('mocha'); var chai = require('chai'); var database = require('../src/database'); database.login('bolt://localhost:7687', 'neo4j', '1234'); // Activate should-syntax ( chai.should(); Now you can write a synchronous test like this: .. code-block:: javascript describe('your test area name', function() { it("your test case name ", function(){ var awaited_hash = '9ebc1323b5ebc175d79ef27d7b4363ea41fa7ac4'; var hash = utils.hash_of_file_content('../test/misc/hash_example.txt') hash.should.equal(awaited_hash); }) }) And an **asynchronous** test like that: .. code-block:: javascript describe('your other test area name', function() { it("chain promise zero length", function(done){ utils.chain_promises([]).then(function(){done()}).catch(function(err){done(err);}) }) }) Contributing ............ If you want to contribute to this project please remember that contributing also means writings tests! Documentation ............. Sphinx with readthedocs is used to provide this documentation. Details on the CI ----------------- Since this project needs to be build on multiple platforms it is a good idea to not just run tests automated but also use **TRAVIS-CI** and **AppVeyor** to build and deploy the application. The configuration files can be found in the root directory of the repository. Travis is used for linux 32bit and 64bit builds and AppVeyor for both architectures for windows (called win32). See Deployment-Travis or Deployment-AppVeyor for configuration and documentation. Trigger an automatic build .......................... A build shall only be triggered on tag push. This is how to do this: - Tag the commit in Git by :code:`git tag -a v0.0.0 -m "Release 0.0.0"` - Push the tag :code:`git push origin v0.0.0` Now the build triggers automatically the deployment to github releases. After some minutes there is a new release on the GitHub-Page with the zipped applications attached. How to Deploy manually ...................... If you made a change to the code and want to ship this change in an electron app follow this procedure - Tag the commit in Git by :code:`git tag -a v0.0.0 -m "Release 0.0.0"` - Push the tag :code:`git push origin v0.0.0` - Package the electron app for your platform with :code:`electron-packager` - If you haven't done so, install :code:`electron-packager` globally: :code:`npm install -g electron-packager` - If you are on the OS that you want to target with the build execute :code:`electron-packager` (consulate the documentation of electron-packager) - Compress the created folder. Example for linux: :code:`zip -r [archive-name].zip [name of the folder]` - Navigate to the releases tab of the github repository - Edit your release: Add the compressed archive. - Add the release to the download section of the documentation - Describe the changes made in the CHANGELIST of the documentation Deployment on Travis-CI ....................... This is an explanation of the configuration and how the workflow works. If you know Travis-CI this will be boring. What is Travis-CI ................. It is a CI (continuous integration) provider that is free to use for public git repositories. It provides virtual machines that can automatize jobs for you, e.g. run your unit tests or test your code with various code versions and a lot more. Setup Travis-CI ............... It is easily setup if you have a github account. You can use the github account as a single sign on for There you activate the wanted repository in the overview. After you set that up, every time you push to the master branch Travis will start to work for you. What does Travis do? .................... He (look at the logo) will pull our code and look for a configuration file called :code:`.travis.yml`. This file contains all the things we want Travis to do for us. In our case this is: - downloading and installing the latest neo4j-community server - install all other dependencies - run the tests - build the electron application and package it - deploy the package to github releases (if the release doesn't exist so far, he will create one) Detailed description of the Configuration ......................................... In Line 22 there is the installation script for neo4j triggered. This will only work on unix systems. In Line 40 you see there is a BASH variable. If you want to use this deploy configuration you have to go to, login into your account, from there create an access token with the option "repo" ticked and copy paste the generated token into the environment variables in the TRAVIS web frontend. **Don't forget to activate encryption for this variable** or else everyone can access your with ease. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 22, 40 osx_image: xcode7.3 sudo: required dist: trusty language: c matrix: include: - os: osx - os: linux env: CC=clang CXX=clang++ npm_config_clang=1 compiler: clang cache: directories: - node_modules - "$HOME/.electron" - "$HOME/.cache" addons: apt: packages: - libgnome-keyring-dev - icnsutils before_install: - ./ - mkdir -p /tmp/git-lfs && curl -L$([ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ] && echo "linux" || echo "darwin")-amd64-1.2.1.tar.gz | tar -xz -C /tmp/git-lfs --strip-components 1 && /tmp/git-lfs/git-lfs pull - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y icnsutils graphicsmagick xz-utils; fi install: - nvm install 6 - npm install electron-builder@next - npm install - npm prune script: - npm run release branches: except: - "/^v\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$/" deploy: provider: releases api_key: "$GH_TOKEN" file_glob: true file: "*.zip" skip_cleanup: true on: tags: false Deployment on AppVeyor ...................... AppVeyor provides a similar service to Travis-CI but is focused on windows. So they provide a **Power shell** on a win32 host system you can configure. You have to put a :code:`appveyor.yml` file into the base dir of the repo which might look like this. This configuration excludes the test because we already ran the tests on travis and at the moment you are going to have a hard time installing neo4j into their machines. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 22, 40 version: 0.1.{build} platform: - x86 - x64 cache: - node_modules - app\node_modules - '%APPDATA%\npm-cache' - '%USERPROFILE%\.electron' init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input install: - ps: Install-Product node 6 x64 - git reset --hard HEAD - npm install npm -g - npm install electron-builder@next # force install next version to test electron-builder - npm install - npm prune build_script: - node --version - npm --version - npm run release test: off deploy: release: GIAnT-v$(appveyor_build_version) description: 'GIAnT' provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: QBn6bw8znM2WsrG32eTzA55Iu0iE6oymujVBos6XFUldN/biNahd6Csr6d9Y4u+E artifact: '**\*.zip' # upload all NuGet packages to release assets draft: true prerelease: true on: branch: master # release from master branch only